Mapping Solutions

Drones are a must-have technology in the surveying toolbox. Drone mapping makes acquiring, processing, and analyzing data more efficient and accurate. GeoCue’s drone mapping solutions encompass a full range of entry- to advanced-level systems for collecting photogrammetry and LiDAR. Including drone mapping in your business adds a technological advantage in a highly competitive field.

Drone-enabled sensors have opened up a world of opportunities for users in the surveying and mapping industry. With our expertise, we educate users on the best platforms to successfully meet surveying requirements. We offer drone platforms, LiDAR/imagery sensors, and mapping software solutions that enable users to perform high-accuracy 3D drone mapping. Visit our interactive Sensor Selector page to guide you to the best sensor for your project goals.

Real-time emissions monitoring

Ships pour out large quantities of pollutants into the air, principally in the form of sulphur and nitrogen oxides as well as Particulate Matter (PM)

While recently introduced sulphur standards at global and EU levels have halted this increasing trend for SO2-emissions (at least in the Sulphur Emission Control Areas – SECAs in northern Europe and North America), NOx -emissions are expected to continue increasing. As a result, within ten years the NOx -emissions from international shipping around Europe is expected to equal and surpass the total NOx -emission deriving from all land-based sources in the 28 EU member states combined.

OURANOS RPAS provides an efficient, reliable and accurate solution to the need for a remote and real-time emissions compliance measurement of ships routing through SECAs and other emission-controlled zones.

OURANOS is a pioneering Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) powered by ALTUS LSA which integrates advance sensors, sophisticated Software (S/W) & unique operational know-how to provide specialized ships emissions measurements and air pollution monitoring.

OURANOS Performance in emissions monitoring configuration, delivers a maximum range of 50 km with 7 hours of endurance in operational altitudes from 150 to 2,000 ft

OURANOS mission equipment are comprised of:

  • Dual Electro Optical / Thermal (EO/IR) gimbal stabilized video/still image camera – an optimal choice for day and night missions, with its high image quality (HD) and increased stabilization. Video annotations with Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates of the UAV and of the image target can be overlaid on the video image for better orientation and documentation.
  • AIS receiver – a dual channel Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver with output for both NMEA 0183 and USB. The AIS-3R reads and decodes all AIS messages that are specified and transmitted by AIS Class A and Class B transponders, AIS SARTs and Aids to Navigation.
  • Gas sensor module – able to detect and measure in real-time when inside the plume, SO2, NO2, CO2 gases and derive the Fuel Sulphur Content (FSC).
  • Cloud Server – which makes available in real-time all the RPAS sensor information (gas measurements, live video stream, AIS signals) to remote “clients” worldwide and allows for 2 way communication between the operations team in the field and the “end user” of the service during mission execution.

Cargo Transfer

cargo drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) used to transport packages, medical supplies, food, or other goods. Delivery drones are autonomous. ATLAS 4 is a operationally proven drone that can support cargo transfer.

Cargo drones can be used for:

  • Healthcare delivery
  • Food delivery
  • Postal delivery
  • Ship resupply

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