International Institutions Collaborations


ALTUS LSA draws on several years of valuable experience in multi-faceted and complex research projects in collaboration with high-profile partners from the private and public sector globally.

ALTUS LSA R&D facilities are dedicated to autonomous and remotely operated systems development and integration. Areas of expertise include: air and ground platform design, ground control stations, robotics, image and signal processing, communications, platform testing, integration of EO/IR sensors, etc.


Fire Event Remote Management Information System




The main goal of this project is to design, develop and demonstrate a comprehensive solution for early fire detection, prevention, monitoring, prediction and fire-fighting, by the use of advanced and integrated aerial sensing system coupled with innovative sensors and a cloud-based architecture software.


Development and demonstration of a long-endurance sea surveying autonomous unmanned vehicle with gliding capability powered by hydrogen fuel cell


Webpage: https://enduruns-project.eu/


ALTUS leads the ENDURUNS H2020 project as the Consortium coordinator. ENDURUNS project aims to develop a hybrid AUV powered by fuel cell technology employing H2 as fuel, for extended use in deep seas (months) and multiple missions, encompassing launch and return to base features by airplane, helicopter or ships of opportunity and communication features which will enable mission data transfer and updates on the fly for the unmanned platform. Moreover, ENDURUNS will target seabed mapping with100m resolution for satisfying the “Seabed 2030” initiative of GEBCO but also be modular for incorporating other surveying capabilities for geophysical studies, fish stock assessment, surveillance, etc.

An autonomous surface vehicle will be attached on the AUV on launch and later for recovery, and detached when the AUV goes underwater for survey missions. This surface vehicle will communicate with the AUV and the shore base and relay data back and forth regarding mission updates. The surface vehicle will also be used for geo-tagging the seabed mapping locations of the AUV and operate on renewable energy using solar cells.


Smart UNattended airborne sensor Network for detection of vessels used for cross border crime and irregular entrY

The SUNNY project aims to develop system solutions capable of improving the  effectiveness of the EU border monitoring compared to the legacy systems, whilst keeping the affordability and interoperability as key enabling factors. Via the integration of technologies developed across different initiatives, the SUNNY approach will deliver pre-processed  information with meaningful decision support tools enabling the reduction of number and

required level of expertise of border surveillance personnel.

SUNNY main features beyond existing research projects:
• A two-tier intelligent heterogeneous UAV sensor network
• Novel sensors and on-board processing generation, integrated on UAV system
• Exploitation and adaptation of emerging standard wireless technologies and
architectures to the SUNNY scenarios

OCEAN 2020

Open Cooperation for European mAritime awareNess




OCEAN2020, funded by the European Union’s Preparatory Action on Defence Research and implemented by the European Defence Agency, represents the ambition and vision of a European maritime initiative, highlighting the strategic approach shared and undertaken by all partners. The project has the main objective to demonstrate enhanced situational awareness in a maritime environment through the integration of legacy and new technologies for unmanned systems, ISTAR payloads and effectors, by pulling together the technical specialists in the maritime domain covering the “observing, orienting, deciding and acting” operational tasks.  The team involving 42 entities is drawn from 15 countries across Europe. In particular, the OCEAN2020 Consortium will address the problems of integrating EU systems and individual organisations into a coherent framework. These activities will culminate in demonstrations in the Mediterranean and Baltic seas contributing to the EU’s ability to lead innovation in support of Europe’s strategic autonomy in the maritime domain.

ALTUS LSA Research Capabilities

• Integrate, test and validate information systems, communication systems, sensor platforms and UAS, UGV, USV systems in a laboratory environment.
• Provide a real operational environment and the required platforms for the data collection from different sensors. Coordinate & Deploy small scale test beds or large demonstrations.
• Perform Flight tests and data collection, intelligent gathering of information with the usage of different platforms and systems.
• Provide End User requirements and usage scenarios – Ensure end user participation and involvement – (Border Guards, Navy, Ministry of Defense, Coast Guard, Military, and Civil Protection etc.)
• Provide fully integrated Air-Sea-Land Platforms based on project requirements (payload, platform specs and usage)
• Dissemination management – Quality control Management and Assurance – Proposal preparation, coordination and writing

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